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XXX was chartered on xx xx, 19xx. It is...


The board of directors of xx is comprised of the following officers, who were elected on xxx xx, 2015, and were installed at the subsequent chapter meeting:

Position Titleholder Chapter of Initiation Year
Vice Polemarch
Keeper of Records
Keeper of the Exchequer

Meeting Schedule[]

The chapter meets on the xx day of every month at the xxx (for brothers only). All members of the fraternity are welcomed to attend. The meeting starts at 6:00pm sharp. The dress code, business attire, is strongly encouraged.

History []

Early History[]

Charter Members[]

Past Polemarchs[]

Polemarch Chapter of Initiation Year Term

Fraternal Contributions[]

New Jersey (NJ) Alumni has made significant contributions toward the advancement of the fraternity

Notable Achievers[]

  • Name (Chapter, Year)
  • Name (Chapter, Year)
  • Name (Chapter, Year)


Programming []

The chapter develops community service, social action, social and fraternal programming for residents of xxx and surrounding communities. Its signature events are

Organization []

Chapter []

Foundation []

Governance []

Contact []

xxx maintains a public presence on the web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and via email. The chapter also maintains a private presence on Facebook (for brothers only). If you have an update to this page, please send an email to the Nupepedia Project Team.